Jun 9, 2007

Life at Sea

Its morning standing facing the sea. So lound in a silent environs. Waves come and recede and the newer ones keep coming. Every wave shows a sharp move and then signs of exhaustion in trailing ones and the water returns without reaching the feet. Look little farther, the new one is forming and running towards you and actually goes past making even the knees wet. Goes back again in a shell , dies but always back with vigour as the new waves keep forming

Venture deeper, the parallel is easily drawn between the vagaries of wave movement and a human nature. The mind functions in same fashion with the mood swings. Every fresh thing pulls an upbeat wave, mind turns hyperactive and then reaches exhaustion. Soon the wave dies and mind moves in a shell. Life moves on and new waves keep forming keeping it chequered with ups and down

The vagaries go with every man, woman, a kid or any oldy but the personalities are formed based on the manner we approach the waves. The key lies in elongating the upward waves and slowing down the downward ones. A visionary would keep looking for the newer epicenters of waves leading to greener pastures while enjoying the upbeat ride of the exisitng ones

Happy are they who accept the cycle, go up with the trend and not shy of falling with a will to come back with fresh move. Life is like a sea with commotion on the surface and tranquility in depth. Peace comes from wave handling. So next time when the life is dull, look for the traling fresh wave pushing you reach the shores.. its always there near or little farther

1 comment:

Alok said...

so little we know of life that we ever keep searching for its meaning .....
good metaphor buddy