Jun 18, 2007

Life is full of Campa Cola

Life is full of campa cola, ad campaign launched more than 2 decades ago by a cola company to market its beverage
One day my colleague uttered this word in a non-chalant outburst on some offical matter, " Life is full of campa cola". How true the statement that life is full of campa cola, the fun is as long as the fizz is in the bottle. Open the bottle it just goes off. Ever thought the fun of life, the craze is lasting until its explored
When a group of entreprenurs start a company, it starts with so much passion, plans are laid down and full hog efforts are made that goes beyond time check. Every small success is celebrated, every action is appraised. Soon the company grows and then gets stagnated and here we start claiming elephants cant dance
Similar things is witnessed when a couple nurture a relationship, at inception they start wooing each other in every possible best maner, curiosity is high to know each other and are too conscious of every move. As the relationship progresses, the enthusiasm starts falling apart and life becomes a routine function as no further dreams are seen together
This is the importance of fizz in every walk of life, activity or relation. The fizz has to be maintained to keep the things going. It be a long term goal, a vision, a company formation or a relationship, it has to be reinvented & a trigger is needed to give further spikes. Managers have to give new dimensions to their work, couples need to see new dreams and individuals need to sharpen the edges
The taste of campa cola is only in that small bottle. Life is also made up of mutilple bottles and every bottle carries its fizz. Once the fizz is over, the value of bottle is last and we pick up the next one and life goes on. We need to find fizz i.e. reasons to smile. The growth and happiness lies in how fast we cherish the fizz and move to the next ones
Enjoy the moments & the life before it fizzles away... Life is full of campa cola, comes with expiry date and little fizz


Alok said...

fizzing article ... i simply adore the metaphors used by u to deliberate on life and its musings

Manimala said...

We have to research a carbonated drink that never goes flat. Then we'll always have fizz. Nice metaphor.

Alok said...

when r u writing something new???

Alok said...

I m still waiting patti

Alok said...

Happy Friendship day ...
