Aug 20, 2007

The Crevice !!!

A ray of hope every morning,
gives boost to the yearning
Dreaming to rule the world,
turning the stones unfurled
Knocked the door once, knocked the door twice,
Knocking & knocking until it breaks the ice
The passage is shut while the problems galore,
nothing shaping as attempts come to the fore
Life appears meagre with fading vigour,
But passion keeps pushing newer endeavour
Day leaves the traces of learning,
Ignites the latent desire burning
World you crave, right there exists,
Till the irreplaceble spark persists
A ray of hope every morning,
Giving boost to the yearning


Alok said...

Nitin, u told me u cant write poetry ...

c wht u have done .. rem the formula :)

its brilliant reading the first frm u ... hoping to read many more


Priya said...

That was pretty practical about every humans mind and problems faced in their own way.

Congrats on your first poem!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nitwit,
True to the core..without hope nothing exist and you have put that beautifully..

Sharda said...

A very inspiring poem.Did you write that?If you did keep up the good work.

Bla said...

Interestin verses. :)

M said...

lovely !!!!Really a beautifu poem ..... Well seems like from the earlier comments that this is your 1st poem!! superb !

PS. thanks for dropping in on my blog !!:)